The lime was often produced in kilns from local limestone deposits. The sand aggregate usually came from a nearby river or lake which could also provide fresh water for mixing. What was the source of the fiber? More often than not, it also came from local source: an unsuspecting cow or horse from the barn out back.
I recently attended a workshop on repairing historic plaster organized by the Preservation Alliance of Minnesota. Our leader for the day was Anders Christensen of TigerOx, a Twin Cities painting and plastering company that frequently works on historic buildings. Rather than spending the day in a classroom we had the privilege of working on an actual historic site, the 1867 Andrew Peterson farmhouse in Waconia, MN.
In high style houses the plaster was applied in three coats over split or sawn lathe. The first two coats, called the scratch and brown coats, were thick, coarse and contained the animal fiber with lots of aggregate. This constituted the bulk of the wall plaster. These two coats were finished with a thin layer of finish plaster. The finish coat had little aggregate and was troweled to a smooth finish.
However, when we looked at the walls in the Peterson house, we found something quite different. The Peterson house was built by Andrew himself, who was a farmer and not a professional carpenter or plasterer. Rather than three coats, we found one, rather coarse coat of plaster. This is not uncommon at all in vernacular buildings such as farmhouses or city buildings which weren't built by professional tradesmen.
This is one of the holes we repaired in the Andrew Peterson farmhouse. Notice the single layer of plaster with a sand aggregate. |
What was also interesting was what you could see in a few chunks of loose plaster. The animal hair used to bind the plaster was quite obvious. I'm not sure what sort of critter donated its hair in 1867, but it was chestnut brown and rather soft. A horse, perhaps? Whatever it was, it is long gone. That is, with the exception of its hair, which survives 150 years later in the walls of the Peterson farm house.
A piece of plaster with the animal hair fiber. |
Something else that interested me were traces of paint on another piece of plaster. I noticed a few remnants of a light, purplish-blue paint. The color is a light pastel which was common in house interiors into the 20th century. I suspect it is a calcimine or distemper paint. Calcimine paints were water based and fairly durable because the pigments were bound to the wall with size, or diluted animal glue.
Another piece of plaster with a few remnants of what appears to be a light, purplish- blue paint. |
The next time you find yourself in a 19th
century home, take a look at the plaster walls.
Is it coarse with lots of sand or is it troweled smooth and flat? If it is smooth, it probably was applied by a
skilled tradesman. If not, it might have
been plastered by the homeowner himself.
In either case, it is likely some sort of quadruped also made its own,
valuable contribution.
I will look more closely next time! Great blog!